We chat with Melissa Shyan-Norwalt, PhD, CAAB about the behavioral differences (or similarities!) between predator and prey species. This chat stems from a conversation that Melissa and I had several years ago at my first ever Interdisciplinary Forum for Applied Animal Behavior (IFAAB) conference over drinks, where she was telling me about a pig she was working with and how she was approaching the behavior protocol based on its ethology. It got me thinking about whether predators, as a group, may have unique behavioral repertoires and biological leanings compared to prey and whether the two groups may therefore require unique protocols for behavior modification.

Many years later, we finally get to have this discussion! And we’re doubly lucky to have Drs. Suzanne Hetts and Dan Estep to help facilitate. It turns out that predators and prey as groups may not be so different except for a few interesting areas. Check out the videos below if you want to guess what that behavioral difference might be.

About Dr. Shyan-Norwalt:

Dr. Suzanne Hetts and Dr. Dan Estep
Website: https://animalbehaviorassociates.com/about-us/
Original CAAB chats with replays available: https://caabchats.com/

Links to Videos of Various Species Reacting to Moving Objects:
Horses versus dogs seeing balls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm8AGA09oVw
Dog chasing toy car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeuWvLpCdTg
Cats running from, but also chasing, toy cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4JtY6NvwgU
Teaching a horse to move toward a ball and a flag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnzbilSn58c
Donkey playing with ball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqJl6lHOPEY

Length: 49 min

CEUs Offered: No