Meet Andy (black) and Sandy (tan)

This month, we chat with Terri Bright, PhD, CAAB, BCBA-D and the Director of Behavior Services at MSPCA Angell in Boston, MA. We chat about Dr. Bright’s latest project/study looking at the use of fake dogs for assessing dog-dog aggression in a shelter setting. She was willing to share her results as she nears her 100th assessment, as well as methodology for using the dog to get good results. We also discuss her philosophies on when the fake dog is useful and when it should be used in a shelter setting.

Patricelli Lab “Fembot 2.0” Sagegrouse:
MSPCA Angell:


Barnard, Siracusa, Reisner, Valsecchi, Serpell (2012). Validity of model devices used to assess canine temperament in behavioral tests.
Shabelansky, Dowling-Guyer, Quist, Segurson D’Arpino, McCobb (2015).
Consistency of shelter dogs’ behavior toward a fake versus real stimulus dog during a behavior evaluation.
Reid & Collins (2012). Assessing Conspecific Aggression in Fighting Dogs.

Length: 44 min

CEUs Offered: Yes (0.5 CEUs) – submit your CEU request