This week, we chat about Mindy’s experience at a recent Chirag Patel seminar held in Wisconsin by the ever-amazing and forward-thinking Wisconsin Humane Society.

Was it good? Was it awful? Well, we try not to say awful things on the show, so you can probably guess how it was… Ok, fine, it was amazing. Probably no surprise there, given that Chirag has worked with Ken Ramirez and other scientifically-moored behaviorists.

And while Chirag himself has agreed to come on the show, this week we discuss what we learned, how what we learned incorporates behavioral principles, how we interpreted his base training principles, and specific techniques that incorporate all of the above.

Chirag’s website:
Chirag’s Facebook:

Length: 39 min

CEUs Offered: Yes (0.5 CEUs) – submit your CEU request